«Our company has earned the trust of customers through its high quality standards. Quality means doing things the way they should be done, paying attention to detail. To make quality knitwear, a series of steps are necessary. We can become faster, we can become more efficient, but we cannot eliminate any of the necessary steps. That's what my father did, before I was born, and that's what we want to do»


The company traces its roots back to 1978, when Raniero Ottaviani founded what remains the production core of today's structure. In 1993, Raniero's three children, Mauro, Simona and Elena, took over the group, inspired by their father's work but looking for an evolution that could take the family legacy further. Initially, the group specialised as a high-level service, able to offer quality support to its customers, who were among the most 'demanding' names in Italian and international menswear. Its geographical location in the heart of Umbrian production guarantees the company access to top-level craftsmanship and know-how of great culture and tradition. In 2014, the marketing of its own brand began, which in 2018 took the road to worldwide sales. The entry into the project of structured professionals from the world of fashion, allows the definition of the programme and makes MAURO OTTAVIANI today an international brand, projected towards the contemporary luxury market.


Passion, innovation and consistency characterise the work of the brand, which aims to provide a concrete response to the needs of a contemporary man, accustomed to dynamic rhythms and still capable of perceiving quality and design proposals. Research on raw materials becomes central, following the philosophy that performance is achieved when design and functionality reach a perfect balance.